FundScope Choice funds belong to an exclusive club of no more than 200 funds or so (out of a universe of 20,000 funds), selected on the basis of a rigorous methodology. FundScope Choice funds are primarily characterized by evidence of value added from active portfolio management, such that fees paid to your fund manager / advisor are fully justified. Other charfacteristics include consistency of returns and reasonable risk.
For a detailed descripion of the selection methodology (last updated on October 10, 2018), please click here.
We all hear, or use, the expression that there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, in the world of investment, there can be exceptions to that golden rule.
If you are comfortable with the risk of an index fund, you can out-perform the index return on a risk-adjusted basis, by investing more money in a less volatile, actively managed fund.
To learn how you can use this powerful methodology to beat index funds, please check out our note on The free Lunch that many investors fail to see".
To start using this powerful tool, please click here.