What are Fund Snapshots?
In adddition to basic information about performance, risk and cost, FundScope Snapshots offer a unique perspective to each fund by analysing consistency of performance, value addded from active portfolio management and the possible impact of asset size on future performance. Other tools, like Similarity Analysis, allow you to judge whether a fund manager is faithful to his or her mandate or proclaimed investment style.
How else are FundScope's Snapshots different from mutual Fund profiles commonly available on the web?
The FundScope Analysis Tab is a quantitative analytical tool that highlights main features and structural strengths and weaknesses of the fund. The FundScope analytical engine generates a series of observations that you can use to discuss such strengths and weaknesses with your investment advisor and ensure corrective action is taken as and when required.
One last thing. Our snapshots are not crowded with endless numbers that you may or may not need. We believe in keeping things simple, and in concentrating on what matters. As such, we only include ratios or statistics that we believe are vital to the decision making process, accompanied by a guide on how to use each ratio.
How do I access the Snapshots?
Simply Login and, in the search form, type the first few letters or words of the fund in which you are interested. Then, follow the link (s).
Click here to start your search.
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